
Centralised state container

npm License: MIT Build Status Coverage Status Dependency Status js-standard-style

Getting Started

Install with yarn or npm

yarn add raid
npm i -S raid

Quick Start

Raid has a complementary create-raid-app package that will scaffold out a project ready to start raiding.

mkdir my-awesome-project
npm i -g create-raid-app
npm start -- -o


The Raid codebase has been written to encourage collaboration and uses lerna to implement a monorepo.

To get going you can let lerna do the heavy lifting so you simply need to clone the repository, install the root dependencies and then let lerna hook things together.

To fire in to the examples run npm start after letting lerna hook things up. This is also a live development environment and will automatically reload the browser when there are changes to any of the packages.

$ npm i
$ npm run setup
$ npm start -- -o

Running tests

$ npm i
$ npm run setup
$ npm test


Pull requests are always welcome, the project uses the standard code style. Please run npm test to ensure all tests are passing and add tests for any new features or updates.

For bugs and feature requests, please create an issue.



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